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Best Tips to Serving Process Safely

Serving process can be a dangerous job, but experienced process servers know how to mitigate the risk with practical safety measures. Certain cases require even more dedication to safety, especially if they involve violent offenders or visiting unsavory neighborhoods. Follow these tips to stay safe while serving process here in Daytona Beach:

Preparation is key

Preparation is one hallmark of a great process server. You should never step out the door without first learning as much as possible about your target first. You can find tons of information online and on social media about most people. You should always gather at least the following information:

  • Names, aliases, and nicknames
  • Photographs
  • Home, work, and other frequented addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Social media profiles
  • Known hangouts
  • Pending charges and court dates
  • Background and criminal history

When it comes to researching your target, too much is never really enough. By finding out as much as possible beforehand, you can choose the safest place to serve process and avoid risky situations.

Pro tip: If the target has a pending court date, attempt service while they are at the courthouse. Violent individuals will be hesitant to act out while surrounded by police officers and court employees.

Project relaxation

Never approach a target in an aggressive manner. You want to avoid any behavior that could incite a violent response. Keep your jaw and shoulders relaxed, your arms down by your sides, and use a friendly tone of voice when attempting to identify the target. Do not clench your fists, put your hands on your hips, point your fingers, or cross your arms. You should speak clearly and concisely, and avoid using a threatening or demanding tone. Unfortunately, some targets will respond with hostility regardless of how casual you are. In these cases, take a step away without turning your back, clearly state the purpose of the service, leave the process, and depart. 

Time it right

A strategically timed service attempt can be the difference between successful service and chasing the target all over town. Avoid attempting service around anyone other than the target, especially for divorce and domestic violence issues; targets typically react more favorably when they are alone during service, but be mindful with targets that have a history of violence. In cases like these, bringing a second person with you during service could be a good idea.

Process servers complete the vital task of ensuring due process in the legal system. Unfortunately, some people want to avoid going to court so much that they lash out at the messenger, making the profession riskier than it should be. At Accurate Serve, our process servers adhere to the strictest safety guidelines while still providing the highest quality service of process in the Daytona Beach area. If you are interested in becoming a process server, consider joining the Accurate Serve family. 

Contact us at to find out how to join the best process servers in Daytona Beach, Titusville, and the Palm Coast.

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