Daytona Beach (386) 569-8475
Palm Coast (386) 864-8119
Titusville (321) 385-7379

Accurate Serve Daytona Beach

Most Common Questions About Process Servers

Legal matters often come with a whirlwind of questions and uncertainties. As a trusted process service agency in Daytona Beach, Florida, Accurate Serve® is here to demystify the world of process serving and address some of the most common questions that frequently arise. So, let’s delve into the details of the process serving profession and tell you what you need to know.

What is a Process Server?

A process server is a professional responsible for delivering legal documents to individuals involved in a court case. These documents can encompass summonses, subpoenas, complaints, and other legal notices. By personally serving these documents, process servers ensure that all parties are duly informed about their role in legal proceedings. Continue reading

What to Look for In a Process Server

The role of a process server in the legal system is an indispensable one. Whether you’re a law firm, a business, or an individual, having the right process server to handle your legal paperwork ensures smooth progress of your cases and legal endeavors. So what should one look for in a process server? Here are some key points to consider when choosing a process server in Florida.

Proper Approval

Different jurisdictions can have different laws and regulations pertaining to process serving. For instance, in Volusia and Flagler Counties, process servers must be appointed by a judge on a case-by-case basis. In Brevard County, they must be certified by Florida’s 18th Judicial Circuit or appointed by a judge (the 18th judicial circuit also covers Seminole County). A quality process server should understand these intricacies and operate accordingly. Continue reading

The Challenges that Process Servers Face

At Accurate Serve of Daytona Beach, a trusted process service agency on Florida’s East Coast, we are well aware of the numerous challenges that process servers encounter in their line of work. Process serving is an essential component of the legal system, ensuring that individuals are notified of legal actions against them. However, the nature of this profession presents unique obstacles that require resilience, adaptability, and unwavering dedication. In this post, we will explore some of the challenges that process servers face on a daily basis.

Elusive Individuals

One of the primary challenges for process servers is locating and serving individuals who often make great efforts to avoid being found. This can include evading service by changing addresses frequently, providing false information, or intentionally hiding from process servers. Locating such elusive individuals requires extensive research, effective investigative skills, and often collaboration with other professionals in the field. We offer skip tracing and diligent search services to help find these elusive process recipients. Continue reading

What Happens After You File a Criminal Complaint

When a person becomes a victim of a crime in Florida, it’s important for them to understand the legal process that follows. This blog post aims to provide an overview of what happens after a victim files a criminal complaint in Florida. From the initial filing of the complaint to the trial and potential sentencing, victims have certain rights and opportunities to participate in the proceedings. Understanding these rights and the steps involved can empower victims to navigate the criminal justice system more effectively.

Filing a Criminal Complaint

The process begins with the victim or someone with knowledge of the crime filing a sworn statement known as a complaint with the appropriate authority. This complaint serves as a formal notification of the alleged crime and initiates the legal process. Continue reading

5 Things Needed to Get the Most Out of Your Process Server

When it comes to legal proceedings, hiring a process server can be a crucial step in ensuring that the necessary documents are served and delivered correctly and on time. However, to get the most out of your process server, there are certain things you need to have in place. In this post, we’ll discuss five things you need to get the most out of your process server. When you’re ready to start working with Daytona Beach’s premier process service agency, call Accurate Serve® at 386-569-8475 or send us a work request online.

A Clear Understanding of Your Case 

You need to have a solid understanding of what is required of you in your legal case and the timeline for how things should happen. If you’re working with an attorney, they will explain these things to you, but if you’re representing yourself in a legal matter, you might find it more difficult to get clear information. Speak with court employees or even have a consultation with an attorney to get more information about your case and what to expect. This way, you can provide the process server with clear and accurate information about what needs to be done and by when. Continue reading

Importance of Serving Proper Documents for Service of Process

As a process server, one of your main responsibilities is to deliver legal documents to individuals or businesses that are involved in a legal dispute. It is crucial that you make sure you are delivering the correct documents to the right person or entity. Failing to do so can result in serious consequences for both the process server and the party involved in the legal matter. In this post, we will discuss why it is so important for a process server to ensure they are serving the correct documents.

Legal Consequences

Delivering the wrong documents can result in significant legal consequences. If you deliver the wrong documents to a party, they may not take the necessary actions required by law, such as appearing in court, filing a response, or meeting deadlines. This can have serious ramifications for the party involved, such as a default judgment being entered against them, which can lead to the loss of property or financial penalties. In addition, the process server can be held liable for any damages resulting from the incorrect delivery. Continue reading

Why You Should Never Avoid a Process Server

At Accurate Serve of Daytona Beach, we have seen a fair share of individuals trying to avoid being served legal documents. Whether it’s out of fear, anxiety, or ignorance of the legal process, avoiding a process server is never a good idea. Here are some of the reasons why you should never avoid a process server.

Legal Consequences

Avoiding a process server will not make your legal problems disappear. In fact, it can lead to even more significant legal consequences. When you avoid being served, the process server will resort to alternative methods to serve you, such as service by substitution or service by publication. So no matter how far you run, you will eventually be deemed “served” and the case against you will proceed. Continue reading

Do Papers Have to be Faxed or Mailed to a Process Server?

Now that you’ve filed your civil case in Volusia County, it’s time to have a process server appointed for your case. You’ll want to choose a process server who is familiar with the area, reputable, and available to get your process served fast. Accurate Serve® of Daytona Beach checks off all the boxes for high-quality process service in Volusia County. Simply contact us at 386-569-8475 for help filing a motion to have us appointed to your case, then send us your case documents using our online submission tool. Can’t send the documents online? No worries! There are several other methods you can use to get us the required paperwork.


According to eFax, over 17 billion documents are sent each year worldwide via fax machines. Fax services are offered at most office supply and shipping retail services locations, making fax a good option for people who don’t have reliable access to the internet or the ability to scan and upload documents. In Florida, it is acceptable to send process documents to a process service agency via fax. For our fax number, call us at 386-569-8475. Continue reading

Service of Process: Important Things You Should Know

You’ve filed your civil complaint in Volusia County and received the initial case summons from the Clerk of Court…now what? The next step in your legal journey is to serve the summons and complaint to every defendant named in your suit. Additionally, if you intend to call any witnesses during the case, you’ll need to serve them with subpoenas requesting their appearance. So is it time to make some copies and start knocking on doors? NO! Serving process is an essential part of the legal system with specific rules that must be followed.

Service of Process is Required

If you’re thinking about skipping serving the process in your civil case and just showing up on the scheduled court date, think again. Service of process is absolutely required before any court case can proceed in Florida. The Clerk of Court where the case was filed will keep an eye out for confirmation that all defendants have been properly served within the required timeframe, as proof of said service must be documented and should be filed with the court upon completion. If the clerk cannot verify that everyone was served, the case will be delayed (or worse) until everyone is properly notified. Continue reading

What Does a Document Retrieval Company Do?

If you’re an attorney handling multiple cases at once, you can easily start drowning in all the paperwork that is involved. Each case usually requires dozens, if not hundreds, of documents to be located, analyzed, and stored for easy reference. Depending on the size of your firm, you may even have to hire multiple people just to handle all the documents. That means extra labor costs, extra overhead costs, and extra stress managing additional employees. 

What is Document Retrieval?

You can avoid all that hassle by using a professional document retrieval company, like Accurate Serve of Daytona Beach. Document retrieval is quite simply the process of locating any type of document. There really is no limit to what type of documentation can be found with document retrieval. Continue reading